• Video: Om tillit

    Mens aksept er evnen til å tillate ting til å være som de er, er tillit en aktiv posisjon til livet om at alt har sin rolle, sin funksjon og sin vei mot noe mer og noe rikere. Jeg vet ikke best, men det er det noe større enn meg selv som gjør. Gi meg…

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  • More temperance, less instinct

    Our minds are abstraction-machines. We have the ability to simulate any kind of reality in our minds. We know this from our dreams, but our waking state is very similar. This is the blessing and the curse of human existence. We can dream our way through life mostly untouched by reality, disregarding all feedback of…

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  • Poem: The fire of devotion

    On the longest nightThe winter solstice Memento moriRemember deathOm hundre år er allting gløymdAll that we think we are,let us remember,it is already ash. The verse just starts over. Om namo KaliThe NameKaliThe fire which consumes it all, Where time endsWhere all is reborn.Singing its praise. And the verse starts over. Hell on EarthHeaven on…

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  • The gate of not knowing

    The mind is a simulation; A parallel universe where everything is organised, categorised and «safe.» It’s an amazing tool for creating order out of chaos, and it does a wonderful job of eliciting the sense of things being comprehensible. And this mechanism is «safe» because it shelters us from the very unpleasant feeling of not…

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    Most of us are completely unaware of the influence we have on our surroundings. Only when we come to know ourselves intimately do we begin to fathom the tremendous power we have over people around us. And, more painfully, we start seeing how we continuously manipulate and lie to ourselves and others. Hopefully we see…

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  • Awakening

    There is a phenomenon that transcends the time and space of human history. Throughout the ages, some women and men, either spontaneously or through a deep interest in what this experience we’re having actually is, have fallen through the «normal» human perception and into something infinitely more profound and deep. And even though only a…

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  • The River

    Experience, or time, is a one-way flow. It’s like standing in a fast-flowing river. Some have their eyes fixed upstream, keeping an eye out for danger and misery. Others stare longingly downstream, remembering that warm water of yesteryear. Some try to grab the water and hold on to something shiny that floats by. Others shout…

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  • Ekte kjærlighet

    Det sies at vi forstår oss selv gjennom andre. Men for meg er det omvendt. Jeg var skråsikker på at jeg forsto andre, og derfor mente jeg veldig mye om de fleste. Men det var på et tidspunkt da jeg ikke forsto meg selv. Men så begynte jeg å ta en nærmere titt innvendig og…

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